
Take a deep dive on our publications, articles and course around sandboxes.

5 min intro to sandboxes​

In an era of rapid technological change, traditional governance tools and regulatory frameworks lag behind. Sandboxes provide a flexible, innovative way to test data-intensive technologies, ensuring responsible value unlocking for both local and global challenges.

Sandboxes for Data

Discover how sandboxes can tackle complex digital policy challenges and enable cross-border data collaborations in the Datasphere Initiative’s foundational report, supported by the UK government, offering the world’s first roadmap for designing cross-border sandboxes for data.

Cross-Border Sandboxes for Data Course

Embark on an interactive learning journey with the dynamic modules of the “Guide to Cross-Border Sandboxes for Data” course.

GSF Inaugural Meeting Report

Take a look at the Insights Report of the Inaugural meeting of the Global Sandboxes Forum that happened in July 2024 in Rio de Janeiro to learnn more about the potential of the GSF.